How to identify the Āyurvedic constitution and imbalances of our yoga clients?

Āyurvedic clinical assessment provides a nuanced and systematic means of observing a client and coming to an understanding about how best to help them on their journey towards wellness. In upcoming weeks, we’ll delve more deeply into the art of Āyurvedic observation and explore how we can use our own eyes, ears, and gentle questions to identify the constitution and imbalances of each of our clients through the qualities they manifest.

This Case Study Series will focus on how you, as a yoga teacher or yoga therapist, can use elements of Ayurvedic assessment during the Intake process. As you come to recognize different aspects of doṣa-s at play, you will have a more nuanced understanding of your client’s condition and who they are as a person. You can then apply that knowledge during your work with your students to make even more thoughtful recommendations for their personal practice.