Sequence Wiz – EHR system for yoga teachers and yoga therapists

Design custom forms

Sending forms to your students helps you collect essential information you need to know for safety purposes, like diagnosed conditions, recent surgeries, current medications and treatments, as well as other relevant information about their lives. With Sequence Wiz, you can create brand-new forms or modify existing form templates.

Public Intake form​

Public forms are designed to be used on external websites for new students. 

You can create your own completely custom form, or use our form template and adapt it to your needs.

You can create your own completely custom form, or use our form template and adapt it to your needs.

You can create a brand new form or modify an existing form Template.

Public Intake form

Collecting essential information about your new students is now easier than ever! Quickly create a public Intake Form from a template and post it on your own website or the websites of other locations where you teach, add it in your email newsletter, or include it in any other place where new students might find you! Anybody can fill out the public form, and as soon as they do it, their information will be saved to their newly created Student Profile.

Public forms are designed to be used on external websites for new students. Every time a public form is filled out, a new Student Profile will be created. Public forms are meant to collect essential information about a new student; once their Student Profile is created, you can send them any of your other forms directly.

Personalized Intake form

Many yoga teachers send their new students an Intake form to fill out prior to the first class or session. This form can contain different kinds of questions, including essential information we need to know for safety purposes, such as diagnosed conditions, recent surgeries, current medications and treatments, etc. It can also contain other kinds of questions that give the teacher a better understanding of the challenges that the student is dealing with within the context of their lives. It’s useful to organize the Intake form according to the Panchamaya Model structure and ask questions that relate to different layers of the student’s system.

In addition, following the Panchamaya Model template offers another benefit: It demonstrates to the student that different dimensions of our system are linked intricately and that yoga can be used to harmonize all of them. Students usually approach yoga with all sorts of preconceived notions about what it is (the most common being that yoga is mostly about stretching). Asking students questions about their sleep, energy levels, food choices, activity levels, emotional balance, and community connections can open their minds about these factors’  interconnectedness and the role that yoga can play in managing them.

You can send an Intake Form to your student from their Student Profile. You can create your own completely custom form, or use our form template and adapt it to your needs.

With Sequence Wiz, using forms also saves you time because once the student fills out the Intake Form, all their information magically appears in their Student Profile.

Liability Waiver Form

A Yoga Liability Waiver is a document that minimizes the risk of liability for yoga teachers and yoga therapists in the event that a participant experiences emotional or physical injury during your yoga class or private session. It is a good practice to ask your new students to sign a waiver before their first class or session so that everybody is clear that the student assumes full responsibility for their yoga experience.

While a Liability Waiver form does not fully protect the yoga teacher in every instance, it does provide enough protection for general physical activity and instruction given during a yoga session. The Liability Waiver is not a substitute for Professional Liability Insurance but is a necessary complement to it. 

In Sequence Wiz, you can instantly send Liability Waivers to your students using either an existing Liability Waiver Template or a version of it that you’ve modified to your needs.


Since relevant laws are different from state to state and country to country, it is best to have local legal guidance regarding the exact language and required elements of the Liability Waiver at your specific location. 


Sequence Wiz provides a basic Liability Waiver that you can modify to suit your needs. 

Form templates

In Sequence Wiz, you can easily create any custom form that includes questions, checkboxes, images, and links. 

You can create a brand new form or easily modify an existing form Template. Currently, Sequence Wiz includes the following templates:

Intake Form / Liability Waiver / HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices / Pain Assessment Form / Sleep Assessment Form / Ayurvedic Constitution Form. 

What kind of forms can you imagine?

The sky is the limit – if you can imagine it, you can make it! Here are some examples of the forms our members have created:


  • Client Discharge Form
  • Yoga Session Assessment Form
  • Feedback Form
  • Follow-up Form
  • Workshop Evaluation Form
  • Yoga Series Questionnaire
  • and many others!
Start creating your forms