Sequence Wiz electronic health records system for yoga therapists

How to build a therapeutic relationship with your yoga student

Imagine this scenario

This is Sam. She heard from a friend that yoga therapy can be helpful for her ailment and your name had come up in the conversation. After some thinking, she had emailed you asking for help.


What do you do next?

What steps do you take to build a therapeutic relationship?
Do you have all the logistics in place to make it happen?

Before your session

During your session

After your session

Before your session

Step 1

Respond with kindness

Make sure to respond promptly and empathetically

Step 2

Send Intake Form

Send an intake form to get a better idea of what the student is dealing with

Step 3

Schedule a session

It helps to have a scheduling system that lists your availability to avoid the back-and-forth

Step 4

Explain your payment/cancellation policy

The student needs to get a clear picture of what / when /how they are expected to pay

Step 5

Review the Intake Form

Take time to carefully review the student's intake form and formulate additional questions to ask them

During your session

Step 1

Meet and greet

Establish a connection with the student. Spend more time listening than talking.

Step 2

Conduct intake and observation

Talk about student’s challenges, observe their body language and demeanor.

Step 3

Observe them in movement

Take the student through a simple practice, observing their body and breath. Notice areas of restriction.

Step 4

Look for a "hook"

Zero in on one thing that was particularly revelatory for the student. Emphasize it and, if relevant, link it to their current issue.

Step 5

Summarize and suggest homework

Give a summary of the most important things that came up and suggest an assignment to do at home.

After your session

Step 1

Write session notes

Make notes on what took place during the session, record student's subjective report, take time to reflect and analyze.

Step 2

Look at it though the yogic lens

Use one of the Yogic models (Panchamaya, Panchavayu, Ayurvedic, Chakras) to gain deeper understanding of the student's situation.

Step 3

Develop a plan, set goals

Decide on the direction for your work with your student; record it in their own words.

Step 4

Remember to follow up

Check in with the student in a couple of days. Send them a yoga practice, a follow-up form, or an informational handout to help them take ownership of their practice.

Sequence Wiz gives you tools for every stage of this journey!

Getting to know your student

Intake Form Preview | PDF

Liability Waiver Preview | PDF

Pain Assessment Form Preview | PDF

Any Custom Form Preview 

Working with your student

Structural Observation Preview | PDF

Movement Observation  PDF

Short-term / Long-term Goals Preview | PDF

Informational Handouts  PDF

Learning from the experience

Comprehensive Student Profile Preview

Ayurvedic & Yogic Assessments Preview 

Session Notes Preview | PDF

Yoga Sequence Handouts Preview | PDF